Activities Wine-producing Wine - Bordeaux 600 5/1 wire mesh container


Bordelais 600 5/1

BDX 5/1 Bordelais 600 5/1
Tested by the LNE


  • 5/1 static stackable
  • 1/1 dynamic stacking
  • Service load: 800 Kg
  • Base and reinforced panels
  • ½ front folding door
  • 2 identification plates
  • Grippable on 4 sides
  • Self-locking handles
  • Coating: bichromate varnish
  • Height when folded: 305 mm


Ext. : L P H
mm 1198 939 1018
Int. : L P H
mm 1102 878 881

Recommendations for using containers

  • Floor plan.
  • Handling methods must be adapted (qualified forklift operator - length of forks).
  • Verticality and battery space must be respected.